"Bigger bang for your Bucks!”
White Gold Acorn Nugget Bricks: a 10lb Brick that is a long lasting, cooked attractant, designed to draw deer back to your hunting area. The Acorn Nugget consists of whole and ground acorns mixed with an apple aroma that is highly attractive to deer.
Mineral Blocks: a 25lb Brick that is a long lasting, cooked attractant, designed to draw deer back to your hunting area. The Mineral Brick includes trace minerals, vitamins, and other essential neutralizes to complete your nutritional program for well-fed deer growing trophy antlers.
The Mineral Brick is proven to last up to 10x longer than other blocks on the market.
White Gold Dust: a year-round attractant feed, design to draw deer in with its strong natural aroma and keep them coming back with its great taste. Gold Dust is more than just an attractant as it contains over 18% protein which has a direct effect to a deer’s body mass, reproduction, lactation and antler growth. Gold Dust also contains many other key minerals to maximize your herds overall health and potential. To apply Gold Dust, simply spread on the ground or use in a gravity/trough feeder. Gold Dust also works great for around trail cameras to get good pictures from multiple angles.